Federica Patera and Andrea Sbra Perego, namely tying literature and art with a thread. Their collaboration combines both experiences in a common work, with the intention of being a bridge, a confluence of the two disciplines.

Andrea Sbra Perego lives and works between Turin, Milan and NYC. He mainly focuses on painting, but his experiences span from photography to video, sculpture to installation. His artistic research is fueled by travels aimed at investigating the close relationship between humans and the surrounding environment. Man is the leading actor in the interaction with the urban space and is a witness to the conditioning that society contributes to nature.

Federica Patera lives and works between Turin, Milan, and NYC. Her studies focus on the concepts of translation and eternity, seeking to understand how reality is constructed and identifying what remains unchanged within it, thus transcending spatial or chronological categories, but using them to manifest. Federica works to overcome the historical perspective as well as the individual sphere, to redirect attention to universal language.

The duo was officially born in 2017 with the RAR project, which focuses on the value of analogy in literature. They are now working on verbal roots and their relationship with cosmogony.

Their works were exhibited in solo shows by art galleries, such as Raffaella De Chirico Contemporary Art in Turin and Manuel Zoia Gallery in Milan, and in Art Fair such as ArtVerona and WOP in Lugano (CH). In 2021, they were finalists in the Cramum Award. Between October 2022 and January 2023, they took part in the World Textile Biennale – Italian Act, a series of three exhibitions curated by Barbara Pavan. In January 2023 they began their collaboration with The Ivy Brown Gallery (NYC). Their works are in permanent private and public collections, including the Civic Art Collections of Palazzo Marliani Cicogna in Busto Arsizio and the Janina Monkute-Marks Museum in Lithuania

In 2021, they founded DRIM | Contemporary Art Ground, an artist run space in the heart of Turin, where, in the first year of activity, they managed, curated and sponsored various exhibitions of emerging, national and international artists.